Saturday, December 3, 2011

Making Time

Ok, I know everyone (well most everyone) loves their children and wants to spend as much time as possible with them.  I am in the same boat.  This is partly why I became a teacher, so I would have holidays and breaks to spend with my children.  However, it seems that the more ‘time’ I have, the less I seem to be able to spare.  If I end up with extra time, it always gets filled before I can get to sit down.  This is where I am trying to ‘schedule’ everything in so that I have time every day to just play with my daughter. 
I am getting ready, once I get over my cold, to begin working out again.  I love to run; it is like a vacation from life for me.  I can just think, about whatever I want.  No stress, no worries, just running.  And it gets my endorphins up too, which always makes my mood lift.  This is great for me and my daughter because it increases my health, energy, and willingness to play.  However, I can’t figure out when I can fit it in!  During the week we come home, cook dinner, care for the animals, play a little, eat, bathe, then bed.  On the weekends we play, work, shop-it is go, go, go….trying to get it all done.  Through all this, my daughter comes first.  I push my running time aside. 
I am afraid that if I continue to overlook my needs I will fall apart.  I have learned that even moms need alone time!  We also need to take care of ourselves because too many others rely on us, even beyond our children.  So I have made an agreement with myself, I am going to make time to work out.  It may not be running, but it will be something because it is what is best for my entire family, not just me.  If I am going to put them first, then this is a must!

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