Thursday, December 1, 2011

"It's Daddy Turn!"

My daughter is two years old; which means she is asserting her independence and ability to make choices and decisions.  Her newest avenue for this is to 'choose' (more like demand) who will assist her in things like diaper changes (yes we are still in diapers and that is a story for another day), baths, and any other sort of help she might need or want.  Her demand is, "It's not you turn, it's Daddy turn!" or replace Daddy with the person of the moment, Ammaw, Papa, Nana, anyone.

At first this really hurt my feelings.  From the time she was born I was more than her primary care giver.  I did everything.  My husband was terrified of her.  He just knew he would hurt her or do something wrong.  Besides that he despises stinky diapers; he in fact, gags at teh thought of poop, but that is also a story for another day.  I often put my own needs aside so that I could provide her every want, not just need.  I know, I know, that is a parent's job; to sacrifice for their child.  I don't regret any of it, but I mistkenly believed that this sacrifice and love would be rewarded as 'favorite'.  It is immature, but anyone who denies wanting to be the favorite parent is lying!!!!

I have since gotten over the initial hurt of being excluded.  I have learned and accepted the fact that I cannot do everything for my daughter and do it all well.  I need help.  I like to take advantage of this time to have a break and allow someone else to care for my daughter.  She needs to know that she can rely on others as much as she can rely on me.  She also needs to know that Mommy can't do everything. 

This new found 'freedom' has allowed me to do other things around my home where I was lacking.  I have always been a poor housekeeper; the house was always clean, just cluttered and a little messy.   After my daughter was born it got worse.  I have now taken advantage of this extra help.  I work on the dishes, the laundry, or just picking up.  It has made my daughter more well-rounded, my husband happier, and my house cleaner.  All in all, it was a win-win!

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