Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thoughts for the day...

Well, I have been doing some deep thinking lately.  I am truly considering a career change.  I am not sure what I want to do though.  I would really like to be a writer-you know- a paid one.  However, this is a difficult business to break into.  I would love to be the writer on Sex In The City, with a repetitive column in a hugely syndicated newspaper.  However, I would settle for somewhere that will give me good benefits and pay me basically the same as I am making now to start. 
Don’t get me wrong, I still believe that teaching is a needed and worthy career.  I am just a person who can get bored with the repetitive nature of things and I have fallen into a rut.  Maybe it is all the testing we do, maybe it is teaching the same thing over and over again, maybe it is just the job, who knows!?!
In this economy I am thrilled that I have a job at all-much less one that is as good to me as this one is.  I am just lamenting about my ideal situation (which would be for me to be a best-selling author and work from home; where my husband was able to retire and take care of the kiddos!).  One day, maybe soon, I will be able to follow my dream of being a published author.  However, in the mean time I will continue to educate today’s youth, at least to the best of my ability. 

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